Defund the Police! And Replace them with What?

I want you to watch a couple of videos if you believe the idea to defund the police is a good one.

Cops should be giving community classes to community leaders and their constituencies on this stuff, so people understand what cops are up against. Why hasn’t this been done all along?

Police Departments are always talking about community outreach, yet here we are. There are likely many thousands of reasonable people protesting today, who are unaware of what it takes to subdue suspects. Should they receive such a class as the ones in the videos above, they may at least empathize with the police, and may even go so far as to change the way they gather information to determine if an officer did something wrong. Just look at the difference made in the minds of a couple of journalists who went through the training.

There are some police departments hosting classes such as the ones in the videos above. These classes didn’t just pop up overnight. Many Police Departments have realized the shift in public perception regarding the ethics in which they enforce the law. They’re getting the message. This is to be encouraged.

The Role of Police

I’ll first direct you to the historicity of the role of police as explained by the late Rev. R.J. Rushdoony, who was both sympathetic to the legitimate role of the local police and the civil rights of the citizens, from whom they are employed.

Doing Too Much

If you take a look at the programs your local sheriff’s department has, you may find some of the programs look suspiciously surrogate. For instance, our law enforcement personnel are being asked to do things fathers and churches should be doing. Big Brother programs, suicide programs, drug programs, etc. This is not the role of law enforcement, though it has become thus.

Many of our societal issues are social problems stemming from dereliction of responsibility and lack of commitment in homes and the misguidance in churches. The dereliction of responsibility in the family and churches lead to a saddling of civil government with roles it is ill-equipped to perform.

Where is the Christian Leadership?

The strategies employed by the State to teach are done liberally, through liberal ethics and ideologies.
Today’s cries against the police force, are cries against the officers in our society who have become saddled with these inappropriate mandates in addition to enforcing the law. These roles have forced police departments to produce officers trained to deal with and educate the population in all of the various capacities never intended for the police departments. It’s an impossible task. This is not the role of the civil government.

Ethics Training

Teenagers and military-aged young men, who are willing and quite capable of violence, looting and destroying property; are beyond teaching right from wrong. They will become wards of the state, either in the form of welfare (sustenance), warfare (prison), or dead. Certainly, the grace of God can force change on people, however, as fathers, WE have the mandate to train a child up in the way he would go.
The real issues in our society are problems of ethics. They should be taught early and reinforced consistently. Ethics should be taught in the home by scriptural lessons from fathers and mothers. These lessons should be reinforced by the sermons of pastors and Sunday school teachers. Adherence to scriptural ethics and obedience to Christ would produce a consistent society many of us hope and pray for.
Governing such a society possessing spiritual control would make it far easier to support liberty. Instead, because of the welfare state, public schools, and the break up of the family, the civil government is now daddy, and his lessons lead to the understanding that daddy is a tyrant. People don’t understand the source of these societal problems is a fleshly society devoid of ethics and responsibility. The overwhelmed Police Departments begging for more funding are a reflection of our countries incompetence to provide and enforce objective moral lessons from scripture, at home.

This is a job for Homeschool Dads

It’s beyond time we revisit the golden rule and the ten commandments. It’s beyond time to reconstruct the society based on God’s objective permanent law gleaned from scripture, rather than mans arbitrary subjective law, ever changed and updated by fallible men. We can train the next generation that would require far less coddling and far more personal responsibility.
If you are recently out of work or forced into teleworking, I pray you will consider this a blessing. You are in a prime position to be a Homeschool Dad. Should the lockdowns that stem from government restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic end, I hope you would continue in this endeavor, and seek out curriculum and materials those in the homeschool movement have produced over the last few decades, you may not be aware of; provided at the links below:


There are currently calls to defund the police. These calls are coming from revolutionaries who hate America and have infiltrated the ranks of legitimate protesters who have legitimate concerns over the use of force. Defunding and the dissolution of the police are attempts to disarm the people and a major assault on self-government.

In closing, I’ll leave you with a quote from Rev. Rushdoony that makes the precise point I wish to make.

“Very real problems of law enforcement do exist in every sector of the population, but the problem is not a technical one, calling for a substitute to local law enforcement, but a moral one, calling for a Christian renewal on the part of all the citizenry, including courts and police.” -Rev. R.J. Rushdoony

Dads, where you at?

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