We always hear about the supposed Separation of Church and State. Let’s dispose of this Myth.
The Public School System is a church. It was instituted by central planners, who adhere to the religion of left-wing Sociological Darwinism. They are the intellectual heirs to one man, who above all others is responsible for the current synthesis of the natural and social science, and ideology that controls every aspect of Public Education. He greatly influenced the mindset of today’s scientists, economists, and boards of education to become activists for social engineering. The man was Lester Frank Ward.
His revolutionary method of telesis, is the method employed by today’s Sociologists in Education, and Government to speed up mans evolution, by making use of empirical evidence of Science, to plan and direct society through the science and educational dictatorship. Ward “Synthesized the Spencerian evolutionary framework and it’s Comtean spirit of positivism and meliorism”1 with his own telesis. He laid the foundation for today’s indoctrination of children into the religion of statism, through the established church, the public school system. The implications of statism are many, but mainly the state replaces God, man and his institutions are the final lawful authority. Through science, mankind can teach the children how to transcend today’s human shortcomings and create the elusive Utopia.
Simply put, Ward instigated Activist Centralized Social Planning, and was the intellectual muscle behind todays welfare state.
To say he was hostile to Laissez-faire is a gross understatement. There is no room for a free market in economics, or education in the world created by him and his adherents. The modern Sociologists have by and large stamped out free market ideology from our institutions of government, politics and economics through the educational system. Ward empowered humanist intellectuals to not only advise, but to become activists. He was profoundly successful.
Christians do not grasp the diabolical nature of public compulsory education. They do not know their enemy. They send their children to public schools, and believe there will be no harmful effects. Christians seem to believe the socialization their children receive in public school, is healthy interaction, setting aside the drugs, sex, and violence of course. They think when they’re leaning on teachers and principals against bullies, free condoms, and gender studies combined with bad teaching methods, they’re being good stewards. It never seems to occur to them the child is being indoctrinated into the religion of state, statism. The state is god, made up of sociologists, scientists, and philosophers from whence come the humanist teachings. These children are being taught what to think, how to think, and being given a set of ethics counter to your own.
The humanists are not stupid, they understand the enticement of free education. They understood to make it compulsory. They knew to produce the textbooks. They knew to monopolize education. Christians do not understand the threat. All the humanists have to do is convince people to obey the state, and conform to society at large. This is benign to the posterity of four or more generations of Christians who were themselves indoctrinated through the public school system and it’s textbooks. We tend to be good citizens who obey the law and don’t make waves. This is precisely what the Sociologists have wanted, and what they’ve achieved.
Every four years America goes through a presidential election, where there are, 4 or 5 choices that represent the main parties. Two parties if you’re being realistic. One party if you really know what’s going on. Christians really believe King Saul.. I mean a president, can save us from the goblins who are trying to steal the country from us. This is statism at it’s most fundamental level. The State is Sovereign, Mans law is absolute. We need a king.
From the goblin factories known as Public Schools come young men and women who enter higher education, the workforce, or their parents basement. In higher education, they’re further indoctrinated. The best and brightest goblins are immediately placed into positions where they are groomed for the succession of power within industry and government. Others are funded by non-governmental organizations or political parties they attach themselves to and move up the political ranks. The least of those remaining, struggle to enter the workforce. They are convinced they are well informed. They believe they can make a real contribution in whatever industry will take them, if only they could get the interview. Those who do manage employment are often confidently, blissfully ignorant of their incompetence and lack of creativity. They are victims of an educational system that controls them, and creates mediocre employees. They have all however, become goblins who fulfill their roles to society. Goblin Society.
There is only one way to defeat the goblins. Stop allowing the state to create them. Do not send your child into the factory. There is a current and future need for Pro-Liberty Christian men and women to get involved in local and state governments to advance, encourage and deregulate private and home education with the goal to eliminate compulsory education, and promote liberty in every sector of life. It’s beyond time for Christians to impose themselves on the science disciplines, and to reassert biblical ethical truths. Let’s stop giving carte blanche to the men and women who have been emboldened by the likes of Lester Frank Ward.
Without reasserting christian ethical standards into the hearts and minds of our future institutional leaders, the trend toward humanist dictatorship in all aspects of life will remain. There can be no neutrality. We must assert our ethical values, or we will always be second class citizens who don’t make waves. The goblins will always run the show.
If however, we teach our children privately, pro-liberty christian ethics, leadership and entrepreneurship, we can take back our local institutions. We would have a real boot-strapped recovery of The American Republic. Christians must start at home, educating our children, teaching them ethics, respect for liberty, private property (thou shalt not steal) and the sovereignty of God. We need active community leaders in all aspects of life. Run for election. Run local businesses. The American mindset must be changed.
Lester Frank Ward the father of Sociology, emboldened the progressives who came after him, to be activists for the humanist control of the public school system. The entire world of central planning was greatly influenced by his ideas. He died in 1913. It’s time to bury his legacy with him.
This starts at home, through ethical education.
1. Petras, J. W. (1970), Images of man in early American Sociology, part I: The individualistic perspective in motivation. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 6 (3): 231,